Complaint Process
As with any school, issues arise for any number of reasons. You may feel the need to make your voice heard regarding a circumstance at SASCA. In accordance with state law and SASCA oversight we desire to make the complaint process as straightforward as possible.
Complaints can be filed for the following reasons:
General Complaints
Complaints by staff, students or parents about staff, students or parents.
Title IX Complaints
Complaints regarding violations of federal and state anti-discrimination laws that ensure equality in education. Title IX prohibits discrimination, harassment, exclusion, denial, limitation or separation based on sex or gender. Title IX applies to both male and female students in any educational institution receiving federal funding.
UCP Complaints
Uniform Complaints are complaints regarding violations of federal or state laws or regulations which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or charging pupil fees for participation in an educational activity or non-compliance with the requirements of the school's LCAP.
AB1575 Complaints
Complaints regarding fees.
SB1375 Complaints
Complaints about the Charter's Title IX distribution of information.
Charter School Enrollment Practices Complaints
Complaints about the Charter's enrollment practices.
Williams Complaints 2024-2025
California Education Code (EC) Section 35186 created a procedure for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, and teacher vacancy or misassignment. The complaint and response are public documents as provided by statute.